Monday, October 25, 2010

i think the internet is strange.

Only because I think about how there didn't used to be internet. I don't think I'd think it was strange if I thought it had always been around.

People I interact with not on the internet can harm me in so many ways if they so chose, but people on the internet only see what I want them to see.

It's almost like it's all a game. Makes me wonder how much time I should actually spend on it.

I'm not a very trusting person in general, but on sites where people don't actually know where I live there's not really much to be scared of. I can say so much with so little consequence.

This is probably something people talk about all the time, it's just becoming clearer to me how care free I really am here where no one knows how to get to me.

I mean, I bet someone intelligent could work it out over some time, but just that it's generally not accessible information.

So strange how fake it is. I wonder how real people generally are. Probably more than they have to be, just because they want it to be true that other people are real.

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