Thursday, October 21, 2010

I have to stop drinking Soda

I had a post some bit of time ago, perhaps not too long, entitled, 'I am a Wuss.'

Somehow I feel that the topic of this post will tie into that idea.

I like sweet stuff. I just do. It took me a LONG time to start being okay with the taste of beer. Beer isn't sweet, at least generally.

If people ever tell me, 'You need to be a man and like manly stuff.' I always respond, 'No, I don't.' And that's as far as that goes.

The truth is that I might actually be better off if I was more of a man. I get pretty cranky if I don't get enough sleep, or if I'm just tired. That's a characteristic of a baby, or small child. Perhaps I need to get over that.

I do very much enjoy telling people to, 'Fuck off.' whenever they tell me to , 'Man up,' but what if I tell myself to 'Man up.'? I like sweet stuff tho. It's SOO FUCKING GOOD. I don't know if I could ever give that up. I am a child, but don't fucking tell me. I do kill people, with words.


  1. I'm a sweet tooth too. So is my hubby. He just finally started liking beer, and he is 27. Dont worry about it.

  2. I wasn't worried. I don't get worried. I get perturbed. Also, angry. And sometimes confused. And sometimes sad.

    I'm not a child. I swear it. I'm a man. A strong man. I workout everyday. At least my fingers.

  3. Don't give up sweets. They're sweet.
