Sunday, December 19, 2010

I want to write something.

I have no complicated reason. I have no highly noble reason. I have no very special reason.

I feel that all the problems in my life come directly from making a bigger deal out of something than it specifically deserves. Sometimes I make a bigger deal out of something intentionally, very intentionally and sometimes I do it very unintentionally. Sometimes I simply fall into it, those addicting addictions that I love to love to love.

I must FIND the root of the problems. I must find the things I make the biggest deal of that are hollow in actuality.

I am amazed that life still continues. There are so many endings around me and yet, I don't end.

When all is lost, I am still here. I am always here it seems. until I am not. and I will not be aware, when i am not. there is only this, there is only you right now.

there is one. there is only one of you and you are alone.

i am over there, not really real, not in your world. you are alone. you've always been alone. TWO THOUSAND PERCENT ALONE.

do not pretend that you are like me. no one is like you. no one anywhere.

you are.
and always will be.

only when you know
will you be able to deal

with it

there is no one watching your thoughts and judging them.

there is no one waiting to punish you.

if you would love, do so for the sake of love.

do so because you love to love.

if you will hate, no one will know.

no eyes will see you. no one will hate you for it.

you are alone.

be who you will.

be who you are.

i do not see you.

i see a picture that is not you, only partially formed through your directions.

i will hate you for everything you aren't. and love you for everything you're not.

i will never see you.

i can never know you.


  1. If we are all alone, are we not together then, in that solitude? If no one can understand us or know us, do we not share that aspect also in common?
    I honestly think plenty of people are like me. I think it it arrogant to believe that we are unique and beautiful snowflakes, anyone out of the mainstream, is anyone in the mainstream.

  2. it is arrogant to believe you could ever know anyone.

    you are alone.

    that is reality. stop fantasizing.

  3. I'm not though. We are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth, chemically, to the rest of the universe atomically.
    Even at my most alone I know it is conceited of me to believe that no one has ever felt this way. I mean, are you even cognizant of the fact that you are repeating basic concepts from existentialism?

  4. You act like there's something inherently wrong with the basic concepts of existentialism.

  5. There's a lot of value in the basic concepts of existentialism. Personal responsibility is a great thing. People first have to see how they aren't connected, before they can see how they are.

  6. I love existentialism. My response was Sartre's response and my point was it is our non-connection that connects us.
    Why should it matter if I am alone if I do not feel so? Am I really foolish to believe that I am loved and trusted? I hardly feel it is wiser to persist in telling those who try to understand me that that they don't and never will.
    I'm a traveler here, I am not permanent. But I do not walk this road alone and if you who can never know me--under your own logic, is sure some how that I do; then let this lack of wisdom be my wellspring, for in that ignorance I am contented. I can only hope that your own understanding of the world is enough to grant you the same contentment, for it is love.

  7. "We are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth, chemically, to the rest of the universe atomically." Great quote! You've seen this, right?

    Owen, we may be philosophically "alone" and unable to ever TRULY know someone, but what kind of separation is it that does not feel like separation? What kind of loneliness is it that does not feel like loneliness? It's not loneliness at all, nor is it separation. From a certain perspective we may never truly know each other. Yet nothing is gained from seeing things that way. In fact, I would argue that it only results in a lot of negative feelings. From another perspective, we are all connected. We know each other at least partially. Who cares if the fire is only in the fireplace and not surrounding us? It still keeps us warm. So then why should I complain about it? Why should it bother me at all that nobody will know my every thought as I have known them? Traveler got it right on the money.
