Thursday, September 9, 2010

the way i see love and hate

this is the real meaning of my blog name.

a lot of the time i'm not serious at all, and then i get real serious, real fast.

i'm not sure why. i think perhaps because i don't think life is a game.

i don't think i should be laughing all the time.

i can't laugh when someone is really hurting.

i don't know anyone specifically who's really hurting at the moment, but i know someone could be at any time. sometimes life is not something we want. sometimes all there is to feel is emptiness.

i used to think i could help, but i can only do a little.

i can only make your pain a little less and sometimes a little more.

i believe in a love that transcends this world, but it seems like a lie.

it seems like a lie to think that everything could ever be okay.

it seems like a lie to believe anyone could ever love anyone else forever.

i believe in these childish things only because i love them, not because i think they're most likely true. i only believe in happiness because i want it to exist, not because i think it does.

please lie to me and tell me i'll be okay. please lie to me and tell me we will forever.


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