I like to tell myself that it's intentional. I choose to be a wuss.
I never really got the whole pretending to be emotionless thing.
I don't see the point.
I like feelings things and talking to other people about what they're feeling. It's interesting to me, much more than contact sports and stuff.
Sports kind of seem unsophisticated to me.
I get pissed when people treat me like a wuss though. I don't think people have the right to do that.
I could be just making up excuses for myself to stay the way I am.
People don't understand when I don't lie to them. I don't understand why everyone lies to me.
Why would it be so bad to be scared? Why would it be so bad if people knew you were scared? or sad?
I know people get real fucking annoying when they're always on about how they're depressed and shit. I don't usually have much self-awareness about how annoying I'm getting. Someone usually has to point it out.
I like my way of choosing to live better than the way it seems other people are choosing. Being open to stuff is good.
Letting things affect you is good.
I ain't no hero. I'm just a kid, ya know? Sometimes I can't handle shit. Sometimes I can.
i am so cool.